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South East Asia Leading Distributor For Premium Orthosis

Bovis Medical Scientific Pte Ltd believes that quality products will provide better solutions, with this in mind, we are determined to build a company that gives our customers better choices, providing exceptionally excellent products so that our presence can make a difference to the quality of life to the Singapore community. We work with partners who are reputable and are market leaders in their respective fields, we hold high standards in discharging our services which will honor the values of trust given by our customers without compromise.


Our establishment's humble beginnings started in 1999 as a provider of soft bracings to the Orthopaedic Specialist market in Singapore. Today, Bovis Medical Scientific Pte Ltd is considered the leading company of the field we specialize in. We uphold the highest ethical standards and strive to provide quality products for better solutions to meet the needs of our customers. We continue to improve in every aspect that we can, making every encounter with everyone of our clients a more valueable and part of our memorable journey.

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